Oral Sedation

Your comfort and safety is our priority! 

Dr. Tutwiler has received extensive postgraduate training in sedation and has years of clinical experience.  

Requirements that must be met:

  • A Specialist Consultation is required prior to scheduling to review your treatment plan and medical history.
  • Only adults are eligible for Oral Sedation.
  • NPO – No food 8 hours prior and nothing to drink 2 hours prior.
  • For your safety, an adult escort must be present at your appointment and drive you home.
  • Please remove finger nail polish, acrylic nails, or false nails.

Please review our Preoperative Instructions and Informed Consent.

FAQ about Oral Sedation:

  • What is Oral Sedation?  
    • The minimum level of sedation achieved (anxiolysis) allows for patients to maintain consciousness and their airway, while reducing anxiety.  Memory, anxiety, and fear are reduced.  You should feel comfortable and relaxed, while still being awake.
  • How is it administered? 
    • After your consultation, a prescription is called into your local pharmacy.  The patient picks up the prescription and brings it to our office.  Please wait to take the prescription until after you arrive and our staff has instructed you.  The medicine takes effect in about 30 minutes.  Our office will monitor your vitals during the procedure to ensure safety.
  • Is it safe?
    • For healthy adults, minimum sedation or anxiolysis is a safe procedure.  It is critical that you inform your doctor of all medicines and/or drugs you take including alcohol and illicit drug use.  
  • Can I go back to work the next day? 
    • Yes!  The medicine is considered a short-acting sedative.  For your safety, it is required to wait until all sedative effects are gone before driving, operating heavy machinery, making legal decisions, or caring for children.  Sedative effects, such as drowsiness, may last up to 24 hours. 

Please call our office to schedule your first visit.